Sveriges Befolkning över tidKälla: Statistiska Centralbyrån, SCB.
Nyheter2025.02.06 It's time for our annual thesis competition! Annually, the Swedish Demographic Association issues an award for the best thesis in the field of population studies. All high-quality theses at undergraduate or master level from a Swedish university are eligible. Topics should relate to population issues in a historical, contemporary or methodological perspective. Innovation and creativity regarding subject, perspective or methods are considered, as are timeliness and relevance. Contributions from all academic disciplines are welcome! The winner will be offered the possibility to present the thesis at a seminar. Guidelines for participation Send your thesis in two versions, one anonymized and one with the author’s information, by email to Haodong Qi ([email protected]). The anonymized version should not include any information on the author, advisor, name of department or university, or academic discipline. When submitting your thesis, include the following information in your email: • Name of the author(s), postal address, email and phone number • The full title of the thesis • Department and University where the thesis was examined • Level (undergraduate, magister or master) • Date of thesis seminar • Grade awarded to thesis • Name, title and contact information of supervisor The deadline for submission is Friday March 28, 2025. Only complete submissions will be considered, that were examined at a Swedish university between January 1, 2024, and March 27, 2025 with at least the degree of “High Pass” (VG in the Swedish system; A or B in the ECTS system) or equivalent. Submissions will be judged anonymously by a jury appointed by the SDF board. The decision will be announced in May 2025 and cannot be appealed. By participating in the competition, the author agrees that the thesis may be published on the SDFs homepage ( For questions contact Haodong Qi by email: [email protected]. 2025.01.29 Save the date! Understanding recent fertility trends in Europe: what can register data tell us? Annual meeting of the EAPS Working Group on Register-based Fertility Research, 17-18 November On November 17–18, 2025, the EAPS Working Group on Register-based Fertility Research will organize a meeting at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. We invite researchers at all career stages to discuss the recent developments in fertility in Europe, building on work with register and register-linked data. The meeting will start in the morning of the 17th of November and will end in the beginning of the afternoon on the next day. More information and a call for abstracts will follow in spring. 2025.01.29 Welcome to SDF's spring semianar. The topic is over-coverage in population registers and the seminar is co-organized by the Swedish Demographic Association and the Norwegian Demographic Society. Time: Tuesday, 4 February 2025, 10:00-11:30 Zoom link: Passcode: 429962 Presentation 1: Identification of Unregistered Emigration in the Norwegian Population Register Stian Nergård and Erling Kvalø, Statistics Norway Description: We attempt to identify unregistered emigration in the Norwegian population register using "signs of life". That is, detecting historical inactivity of individuals who have emigrated, but are still listed as residents in the population register. There is little consensus on how to identify (or estimate the size of) this group. Addressing this, we compare methods adapted from the literature for estimating the number of unregistered emigrations. Our estimates suggest that unregistered emigrants account for approximately 0.44 percent of the adult population in Norway. Second, we analyse the demographic characteristics of the non-deregistration group. We find that the problem of unregistered emigration is not equally distributed across the population, indicating that some subgroups are more prone to discrepancies than the rest of the population. Among immigrants, the over-coverage due to unregistered emigration is substantially higher, accounting for 2.29 percent of the population. Presentation 2: Over-coverage in Population Registers: Measurements, Determinants, and Consequences Eleonora Mussino, Stockholm University Description: The need for evidence-based policy built on rigorous research has probably never been greater than during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has exposed the need for accurate population data. Recent findings, however, have raised concerns regarding the quality of population registers due to the increase in over-coverage. Over-coverage is introduced through individuals whose death or migration out of the country is not registered. Not only does it give biased estimates of the size of the total population and subgroups, but it also affects measures such as average income, fertility, health, and mortality—measures that underpin most policy decisions. Over-coverage is found to be more pronounced among migrants. Despite general acknowledgment by government agencies and researchers that over-coverage might introduce serious bias into population estimates, there is no common understanding of how to deal with over-coverage in population estimates and social science research. This project examines and discusses ways to improve current estimation methods for the migrant population using Swedish population register data. We also present how over-coverage can explain demographic paradoxes and how different socioeconomic outcomes are affected by over-coverage. 2024.09.23 Welcome to SDF's international dialogue forum. This years' topic is “Advancing Research on Global Living Arrangements and the Role of Demographic, Economic, and Cultural Change” and the seminar will be given by Professor Albert Esteve. Albert Esteve is the Director of the Center for Demographic Studies (CED) and a professor in the Department of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). He has undertaken research stays at the University of Minnesota, the National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) in Paris, and Princeton University. He was also a Ramón y Cajal fellow at CED. Esteve has received research funding from Spain's National R&D Plan, the Government of Catalonia, and various European Union framework programs. Recently, he secured an Advanced Grant for the CORESIDENCE project, funded by the European Research Council (ERC). His research focuses on demographics, marriage formation, marriage markets, and household structures, both in Spain and internationally. In addition, he has actively participated in research infrastructure projects related to the harmonization and dissemination of Population Census microdata, in close collaboration with the Population Center at the University of Minnesota. His work has been published in journals such as the Annual Review of Sociology, World Development, Population and Development Review, and Demography, among others, he has also served as the editor of the European Journal of Population and is currently the Rector of the European Doctoral School of Demography. Time: Tuesday, 19 November 2024, kl. 10-12 Zoom link: 2024.06.10 Vinnare av Svensk Demografisk Förenings uppsatstävling 2024 Vi gratulerar Mimmi Lounela vid Stockholms universitet, som med sin uppsats “Impact of a Precarious Employment Situation on Shortterm Fertility Intentions: A Comparative Study of Migrants and Natives in Sweden” vann SDF:s uppsatstävling 2024. SDF gratulerar Magdalena Planting från Stockholms universitet med uppsatsen "An analysis of the relationship between immigrant generation and math performance in the Finnish school system". Hela uppsatsen kan läsas här (pdf). Juryns motivering: The winning thesis investigates the impact of a precarious employment situation on fertility intentions. The author employs the 2021 Swedish Generations and Gender Survey to investigate the effect of both objective and subjective indicators of precarious employment situations on short-term fertility intentions among native and migrant women and men in Sweden. The findings suggest that precarious employment has an overall negative effect on fertility intentions, however, there are significant difference between migrants and natives, and men and women. The thesis builds on an extensive review of the existing literature, and presents a sound analysis and results that enhance our understanding of fertility decisions and the factors that motivate them. No short feat, the author manages to keep the reader immersed throughout, exhibiting a clear structure, impeccable language and an engaging narrative style. Overall, this is an excellent thesis, built on a sound theoretical, methodological and empirical foundation. 2024.02.20 Joined seminar with the Swedish Epidemiological Association (SVEP) On the 10th of April between 13:00-15:00 SDF is organising a webinar in collaboration with the Swedish Epidemiological Association. The title of the webinar is "How does the composition of the population affect our interpretation of average effects, and what can epidemiologists and demographers learn from each other on this topic?". After this, at 15:15, the SDF will hold its annual meeting. 2023.12.08 SDF's winter seminar With 46 Zoom participants and even more people in the room, we are happy to report that our winter seminar "The fertility decline: why is it happening and what is next" was a success! We thank Professor Gunnar Andersson (SUDA) and Dr Vitor Miranda (SCB) for accepting our invitation to present. 2023.10.24 Annual Meeting of the DGD, 20-22 March 2024 at the University of Hamburg Tyska sällskapet för demografi (DGD) är stolt att meddela att dess årliga konferens år 2024 kommer att äga rum i samarbete med de demografiska sällskapen i de nordiska länderna och kommer att äga rum den 20-22 mars 2024 vid Universitetet i Hamburg. Konferensen kommer att innehålla ett brett utbud av tematiska sessioner om "Demografisk utveckling i de nordiska länderna och Tyskland" och avslutas med en modererad paneldiskussion om "Politisk bästa praxis och demografisk normalitet. Lärdomar för Tyskland från de nordiska länderna". Bidrag till sessionerna och postersessionen är välkomna, sista ansökningsdag är den 27 november 2023. För mer information se här. Vi hoppas att få träffa er i Hamburg! 2023.05.24 Vinnare av Svensk Demografisk Förenings uppsatstävling 2023 SDF gratulerar Magdalena Planting från Stockholms universitet med uppsatsen "An analysis of the relationship between immigrant generation and math performance in the Finnish school system". Hela uppsatsen kan läsas här (pdf). Juryn bestod av Nahikari Irastorza (Malmö), Weiqian Xia (Stockholm), Debora Birgier (Göteborg), och Inge Dahlstedt (Malmö). Juryns motivering: "The winning thesis compares school performance of migrants and native-born students in Finland. Based on PISA data from 2003 to 2018 and regression analysis, the author explores the development of the gap in PISA scores in math across time and among school age migrants who moved to Finland at different ages, the native-born children of immigrants and the native-born with Finish-born parents, and the compositional factors associated to the differences observed. This systematic analysis leads the author to conclude that there is a significant positive performance trend across generations, which is the main contribution to the literature. The thesis is clearly written, structured and well executed. All sections have been meticulously researched and communicated. The contextual background and literature review sections are very comprehensive and help the reader understand the findings of the study. The final discussion in the concluding section is an exceptional example of how to relate the findings of a study to the literature and the broader context in which the research is embedded" 2023.05.22 Svensk Demografisk Förening har en ny styrelse I maj hade vi SDF:s årsmöte. Mojgan Padyab valdes somnyordförande. Övriga medlemmar i den nya styrelsen är Erik Carlsson (kassör), Finn Hedefalk (sekreterare), Haodong Qi (vice ordförande), Caroline Uggla, Li Ma och Juta Kawalerowicz.Vi vill också tacka Vitor Miranda för hansvärdefulla arbete som ordförande samt Siddartha Aradhya för hansbidrag som ledamot under de senaste åren! |